Exhibitions Significant Events
- Mann Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert 2018
- Mann Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert 2017
- Mann Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert 2016, Watercolour Award
- Mann Art Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert, February 2014, Watercolour Award
- One Man Show; Amy’s, Prince Albert SK, Nov 2014 - Feb 2015
- OSAC 2 Man 24 month Touring Show (21 SK locations)
- Featured area artist at the inaugural show in Humboldt & District Arts Gallery, 2014
- Mann Art Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert, February 2013
- Mann Art Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert, February 2012
- Mann Art Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert, February 2011
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2010
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2009
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2008
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2007
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2006
- OSAC Development weekend and Provincial Exhibition , April 2005
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2005
- Watrous Juried Art Show (OSAC) September 2004
- Little Gallery Juried Show, Prince Albert, SK, 2002
- Alvin Hewitt Art Auction, Saskatoon SK 1990-2006
- Waterworks, Multi person show, Saskatoon SK; July 1985
- Arts '84, Juried Show, Regina SK: December 1984
- Arts '83, Juried Show, Regina SK. Purchase Award; December 1983
- Arts '82, Juried Show, Regina SK, CKCK Purchase Award; October 1982
- Two Person Show; Frances Morrison Gallery, Saskatoon, SK; November 1981
- Sask Arts '81, Juried Show, Norman MacKenzie Gallery, Regina SK,
- One Person Show; Bread & Broth Restaurant – Gallery, Saskatoon, SK; February 1981
- Sask Arts '80, Juried Show, Regina SK; December 1980
- Two man show at Collectors Choice Gallery, Saskatoon, SK; September 1980
- Long Shadows, Humboldt, SK; 1979-1994
- Assisted in organizing "Long Shadows" a yearly show and sale, Humboldt, SK; Nov. 1979
- Two Person show at Collectors Choice, Saskatoon; 1979
- 4 person show, Saskan Arts, Regina SK; October 1979
- Saskatoon Boys & Girls Club Show & Sale, Saskatoon SK; 1979 to 2002, 2004-2011
- SGI 2nd Annual Juried Art Show (SGI Purchase), Regina SK; 1979
- 5 person travelling exhibit sponsored by OSAC (Sask Organization of Art Councils) 1978
- SGIO 1St Annual Juried Art Show, Regina SK; 1978
- 5 person show, SPC Gallery on the Roof, Regina SK.; June 1977
- Watrous Art Salon; 1975 Judges Selection, 1976, 1978
- 2 Man Show, Saskatoon Public Library Gallery; October 1974
- Three Man Show, Humboldt Public Library; 1972
- Selected as feature artist in Portage Mutual Insurance Co. 2017 calendar
- Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor Juried Show, Calgary AB, 2009
- Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor Juried Show, Toronto, ON, 2008
- 2 Person Show; Wasagaming Art Center; Riding Mountain National Park MB: July 1983
- One of top 25 Canadian entries "International Artists in Watercolor" competition sponsored by Rowney-Inveresk; August 1981
- One Person Show, Gallerie l'Equivoque, Wakefeild Quebec; October 1980
- Guest Artist, Peterborough Ontario Art Show; August 1974
Exhibitions & Significant Events
- Art Gallery of Prince Albert Juried Show, February 2006; Perm Collection Purchase - Peggy & Sandy Kerr Memorial Award
- Painting purchased by "Canadian Social Worker" publisher and used for front cover of fall 2000 issue.Published Limited Edition
- Print "Summer Solstice at Kenlis"; October 2000
- Painting purchased and used for front cover of Fall 1999 issue of Canadian Social Work (English & French editions)
- Published Limited Edition Print "Shades of Autumn at Green Hill"; November 1998
- Saskatoon Boys & Girls Club Show & Sale, Saskatoon SK; Saskatoon Star Phoenix Purchase Award: December 1997 (Reproduced on front page of Christmas Section and awarded as a reader prize)
- Arts '83, Juried Show, Regina SK. Purchase Award; December 1983
- Arts '82, Juried Show, Regina SK, CKCK Show Purchase; October 1982
- Sask Arts '81, Juried Show, Norman MacKenzie Gallery, Regina SK, CKCK Show Purchase; October 1981
- Sask Government Purchase, Regina SK; December 1980
- Sask Government Purchase, Regina SK; March 1980
- SGI 2nd Annual Juried Art Show (SGI Purchase), Regina SK; 1979
- Painting presented to O.E. Lang, Justice Minister of Canada 72-73
- Painting presented to P.E. Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada 72-73
- Opened Graphic Ad Limited, Humboldt SK; August 1971
- Graduated; Alberta College of Art, June 1971